Community Living Services: AID serves more than 230 individuals in nearly 100 different community living sites.

Supervised Community Living: 24-hour home setting for individuals with developmental disabilities who need to develop independent living skills.
Supported Community Living: Intermittent services based on the individual needs of client.
Services Provided:
- Support in activities of daily living including: cooking, self-care, laundry, budgeting, housekeeping, etc.
- Community integration opportunities including: banking, shopping, barber/hair salon services, dining out, sporting events, etc.
- Support to develop socialization and communication skills.
- Transportation services that meet specialized needs of individuals served.
- Nursing services including assessment, and monitoring of medications.
- Registered Dietician develops menus and recipes to accommodate a variety of dietary guidelines.
- Mental health professionals and behavior analysts provide behavior support services including developing strategies to teach adaptive behavior replacement.
- Individual and group counseling services.
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Related Media:
Workforce Housing Summit 2022
Session 1: Defining the Need for Workforce Housing in Kane County
Session 2: Resources and Opportunities for Workforce Housing in Kane County
Session 3: Opportunities and Barriers to Affordable Housing Production