group of workers

Employment Services: AID Employment Specialists assist clients seeking jobs by providing necessary skills and guidance. The goal is to ensure the right match for both employers and clients.

AID encourages individuals to explore what they want out of life and chart their own journey to success. Whether it’s finding a job or becoming a volunteer, the ultimate goal is to assist individuals in leading a full and active life.

AID Employment Services Tenets:

  • Everyone has gifts and capabilities
  • Everyone has the right to make decisions about his or her own life
  • Everyone has a voice that should be heard
  • Everyone should have the opportunity to join the workforce

Attention Employers

Let AID work with you!

AID Employment Services are always on the lookout for career opportunities for clients.
With the assistance of Employment Services Specialists, clients are often trained, hard-working and motivated employees; an individual who is more likely than most entry-level workers to meet your expectations and become stable, long-term employees.

Employment Specialists visit regularly and can offer supervisors tips on how to encourage the employee’s best work. Frequently, all that is needed is a short period of intensive on-the-job support. In addition, AID staff is available whenever needed to assist the individual in adapting new responsibilities or increased demands.

AID helps employers address specific worksite issues including:

  • Routine daily tasks that reduce staff productivity
  • New tasks or unfinished projects due to lack of time and/or resources
  • Staff being stretched too thin during peak times of the year or hours of the day
  • High staff turnover

In the last 5 years, AID Employment has successfully placed 336 clients in community jobs.

Connecting you to the future

If you are a business owner or hiring manager please CONTACT AID and help our clients find meaningful community employment.

IPS Employment Services: AID Employment Specialists assist clients seeking jobs by providing necessary skills and guidance. The goal is ensure the right match for both employers and clients. AID encourages individuals to explore what they want out of life and chart their own journey to success. Whether it is finding a job or becoming a volunteer, the ultimate goal is to assist individuals in leading a full and active life.

The 8 Principles of IPS:

  • Competitive Employment: Allowing our job seeker to apply, and work in jobs within their community with the same benefits as their peers.
  • Job Development: Staff work with potential employers throughout the community to receive information about their individual needs to properly connect with the right job seeker.
  • Rapid Job Search: Staff will consider looking within the community immediately after working with a Job Seeker to give them the highest opportunity to find the appropriate job for them.
  • Integrated Services: Staff work together with the job seeker’s treatment team to provide the highest level of support and care for each job seeker.
  • Benefits planning: Staff works with a Benefits Planner to provide accurate and understandable information for the job seeker about their individual benefits.
  • Zero exclusion: Staff will not exclude an individual referred to us who is interested in working.
  • Time-Unlimited support: Staff will continue provide support and assistance despite the job seeker receiving employment for as long as they want our services.
  • Worker Preference: Staff will assist job seeker’s in finding jobs within areas they are interested and qualified in. Rather than the staff’s idea of what the client should do for employment.

Learn more about IPS at

IPS employment center

Subminimum Wage to Competitive Integrated Employment Illinois (SWTCIE)

MEET KATHY: Association for Individual Development SWTCIE Illinois participant Kathy has been working closely with her employment specialist on preparing for interviews for jobs within her community. “I’ve been really, really excited to get a community job for a long time,” says Kathy.

Learn more about SWTCIE >>


AID client Ryan holding cleaning supplies and working at Chipotle

Ryan P. (Chipotle)

With the assistance of an AID Employment Specialist, Ryan secured a janitorial job at Chipotle Mexican Grill. He was recently transferred to a new location and assigned additional tasks thanks to his hard work. “I love the new location. It’s a bigger place and I have more to keep me busy and I have been assigned to bagging chips.” explains Ryan.
Woman working at Portillo's

Petra G. (Portillo's)

After developing her skills with the AID janitorial team (Jan-AID), Petra, with the assistance for her AID Employment Specialist, applied for multiple jobs in the community. In April of 2022, she secured a job as a Portillo’s patio team member, assisting with dish washing and cleaning. Petra’s supervisor is enthusiastic about her work ethic and the very little supervision needed to get the job done.
Kim bagging groceries at super market

Kim G. (Jewel)

Kim has worked for Jewel grocery store as a utility clerk for 26 years. “I enjoy bagging groceries and talking to the customers; lots of friendly people,” explains Kim. Gloria, Jewel Frontline Supervisor, praises Kim’s work ethic and ability to adapt to new assignments with a good attitude and a smile.
Man working at grocery store collecting shopping carts

Aliant G. (Mariano's)

As a young child, Aliant’s dream job was to be a cart collector for a local grocery store. With the help of an AID Employment Specialist, Aliant has lived his dream job at Mariano’s for the past five years. “Aliant is dependable and keeps the parking lot free of carts, Aliant often times needs to be reminded to take his break because he doesn’t want carts in the corrals,” explains Cocese, Aliant’s Front Line Store Supervisor.
Julie O.

Julie O. (Aramark)

With the help of her AID Employment Specialist, Julie has found the perfect work-life balance between her extracurricular activities (including many Special Olympic sports) and her job at Aramark. When on-the-job, Julie is a dedicated employee and is able to fulfill food orders quickly and efficiently. Congratulations Julie!